a Mile to a Smile

About Us

We’re a team of dedicated autism therapists ready to join you and your children on this journey

Multidisciplinary Excellence

At autismilee, we take pride in our diverse team members  from various professional backgrounds. With expertise spanning psychology, education, social work, clinical psychology, and more, our employees bring unique perspectives and skills. This diversity fuels innovation, fosters collaboration, and enables us to tackle challenges from multiple angles.

Dynamic Advancement

We prioritize training and development. We believe in empowering employees with the necessary knowledge and skills. we invest in our team’s growth through workshops, comprehensive trainings, and continuous learning, ensuring they stay ahead in their respective fields.

Professional Enrichment

Having regular professional development days provide opportunities for our team to attend activities, workshops, and training sessions, keeping us up-to-date with the latest industry trends and enhancing our professional skills.

Frequent updates

We hold regular meetings to discuss progress, share updates, brainstorm ideas, and ensure alignment. These open communication and collaboration foster teamwork, enhance coordination, and drive the overall success of our organization.

ABA Therapist

Proactive Preparation

To ensure the highest quality of service, we provide ample preparation time for sessions. We recognize the importance of thorough planning, research, and tailoring of strategies. Sufficient preparation time allows for effective and personalized interventions to meet each individual’s unique needs.

Autism Therapist

“Learning can be fun and creative! What I advocate to do is, to provide fun learning to children with autism as early as possible, to share my knowledge and provide support to the families and caregivers, bringing a mile to a smile.”

Jason Wu
Founder & Director, BCBA,M.Ed.

Our supervisors


BCBA and QBA, which stand for “Board Certified Behavior Analyst” and “Qualified Behavior Analyst”, are international certified behavior analyst and are graduate-level certifications.

They are standards established by professionals and are constantly modified and updated to meet the changing needs of our society.

In order to provide better quality training services, all of our behavioral consultants are internationally certified analysts or are working towards a degree. 

We are here to walk this journey with you