Autism Diagnosis

a Mile to a Smile

Importance of Professional Diagnosis

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) manifests in diverse ways and often overlaps with other conditions. This complexity makes professional diagnosis and assessment essential for accurate identification and effective treatment planning.

Diagnosing Autism

1. Social Interaction Deficits

Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts 

2. Repetitive Behavior Patterns

Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities

3. Early Developmental Symptoms

Symptoms must be present in the early developmental period 

4. Significant Functional Impairment

Symptoms cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of current functioning

5. Distinct from Disabilities

Disturbances that are not better explained by intellectual disability or global developmental delay 

Why Do We Need To Do Assessment?

An assessment is the initial step in understanding your child’s development, strengths, weaknesses, and delays. It helps clinicians evaluate diagnoses and recommend suitable interventions. With this understanding, parents are equipped to maximize their child’s chances of success by taking necessary steps.

What is the Process of Assessment?

Assessment at autismilee involves three key stages: information gathering, direct child assessment using standardized tools in natural settings, and feedback sessions with parents. This structured approach ensures thorough understanding and tailored recommendations for your child’s development.


1. Information Gathering

Gathering information from parents and teachers through interviews and questionnaires

2. Direct Child Assessment

Direct assessment and observation of the child using standardized assessments and in natural settings

3. Assessment Feedback Session

Feedback session with parents to explain assessment findings and provide recommendations

How Can We Obtain a Diagnosis? 

A diagnosis is obtained by thoroughly assessing the child’s behaviors based on the DSM-5 classification system. It may be necessary for subvented services or school accommodations. However, even without a formal diagnosis, children can still benefit from intervention and additional support.

a Mile to a Smile

If In Doubt, Seek Assessment As Soon As Possible.