Autism Clinical Assessments

From a Mile to a Smile

Our Assessment Standards


Our assessments can be conducted in English and Cantonese.


We believe that a full review of your child’s profile, rather than piecemeal assessment of single areas, helps parents and teachers gain a fuller understanding of your child’s strengths and weaknesses.   


Our standardized assessment tools allow us to take an in-depth look at your child’s functioning level in different developmental areas in order to provide detailed and practical recommendations.


We strive to understand your child fully by obtaining information from different caregivers through a range of assessment strategies. This may involve parent interviews, parent and teacher questionnaires, school/group observations, and one-on-one testing. 

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Clinical Assessment

Our assessment is a onestop solution with a 3-tier process carried out by a clinical/ educational psychologist

It leads you to everything in one spot. 

Step One

A meeting with you to talk about parents’ concerns, the child’s developmental histories, and their needs. Then we can decide on the assessment styles.

Step Two

An approximately 2- to 4-hour comprehensive assessment to evaluate your child in various areas.

Step Three

A debriefing session 2 to 3 weeks later to explain your child’s strengths and weaknesses, discuss the results of the assessment and the report, and provide relevant recommendations.

Know More About Your Child

From Our Assessment

During the debriefing, our clinical/ educational psychologist provides you with a full report that helps you understand your child’s profile and guides you to the right services for your child. 

Clinical Advice

Provides treatment recommendations such as behavioral therapy (or other scientific-based treatments)

Educational Advice

We will provide you with our insights and we can explore school options (such as IEOS, referral, and type of services)

Full reports

A 5- to 7-page report will be provided which includes detailed results and recommendations

Parenting tips

Any helpful tips that we can provide for you to solve your immediate problems.

Talk to one of our consultants! It’s worry-free, you can talk to us about your concerns.

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